Current Weather Conditions on Spokane's South Hill.
Weather on Spokane's South Hill
18th Avenue and Freya Street
Spokane, Washington

Spokane, Washington, weather forecast

Local webcam (looking north).

click on radar and satellite images for larger view
Click here for wide area doppler radar
current conditions at 27 Jul 2024 12:37 AM
(Values in parentheses are changes in the last hour.)
temperature 60.8°F (-2.9) Wind direction gauge
current windspeed
0 MPH (0)
wind chill 60.8°F (-2.9)F
29.83 inHg (0.01)
humidity 37%
dew point 34.2°F (-0.4)
rain today 0.00 in
today's high temperature62.4°F at 12:06 AM
today's low temperature60.8°F at 12:36 AM

YTD high temperature 107.2°F at 10 Jul 2024 2:30 PM
YTD low temperature -7.8°F at 13 Jan 2024 7:17 AM
rainfall this month 0.00;

Detailed and historical data for this station.

Regional satellite image.

18th & Ray webcam

WADOT webcam: I-90 @ Freya St.

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Click on these images for larger versions or forecast.

full disk satellite
Click for Spokane, Washington Forecast

forecast and more

air quality

UV index

station location
near 18th Ave. & Freya St.
Spokane, Washington 99223 USA

lat: 47.6° long: -117.3°
elevation: 2208 ft
The weather data displayed on this page is collected and logged by a La Crosse Technology WS-2316 Professional Weather Center. Information is posted using WeatherCat 3 software running on an old but trusty iMac.

Questions, comments or suggestions should be addressed to:

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